Mar 22, 2012

Bad Day?

When you are having a bad day...
Look at something Funn-AY! :))


Mar 13, 2012

Homeless People...
This might be kind of random but I have a few thoughts on homeless people. Now, I am not talking about the ones you see in movies or TV shows. I mean actual homeless people. I have always hated the sight of seeing a man or a woman with a sign or a cup on the side of the street asking for money. It makes me feel bad inside. There have been sometimes where the person isn't really homeless they just do it to get money and go back to their home. I guess you could say it is there jobs. When you hear stories like that it makes you believe ALL people are like that, when that might not even be the case. I remember when I was in the car with my mother one day and we drove passed a guy that held a sign that read: I have a wife and a new born baby Please help!I Said to my mom,"If he can get a cardboard box and a marker to write then why is he the homeless?" She just looked at me and explained to me that it is simple to get a cardboard box and a marker from the dumpster. Ding! It finally clicked in my head and I understood. But I still have my doubts about whether those people on the side of the street are actually homeless.

Mar 9, 2012

Questions that make you THINK...

What's the speed of dark?

If you run backwards will you gain weight? 

How can a house burn up when it burns

Doesn't expecting the unexpected make
the unexpected expected?

If the #2 pencil the most popular, why is it
still #2?

Why are buildings called buildings when
there finished? Shouldn't they be called

Mar 8, 2012

My Birthday!

My Birthday is in 9 days 13 hours and 30 minutes ! I am soooo excited. Its on March 17 (St. Patricks Day). So since it's on that holiday when i was little I would  always tell people that I was Irish :)

Funny Right?!

Mar 7, 2012

Talent Show!

So most of you know I enjoy performing right? Well guess what?! I have two performances coming up. One of my performances is a talent show at my school. The auditions are March 13th. But the MOST important, and nerevwrecking performance is the talent show/search that is city wide. I entered this talent search compeitition, and my audition is on Saturday. The talent search is going on at the year round festival, Rivers & Spires. Rivers & Spires is pretty much a festival,with music,food, activities, & much more. But anyway, I am SO excited and nervous. Out of thousands of people only 25-30 people get picked! So that means my chances are very slim. . . So wish me luck!!
(I'll update you guys when I hear any news)

Mar 2, 2012

My Mom & My sister

Some of the MOST important people in my life is my mom and my sister.My mom is my inspiration.My sister is my rock. Without them I don't know how I could survive. We have shared many laughs. Many tears. Many memories. My mom(Tonya) is a very independent strong beautiful woman that I love to death. Well as for my sister (Krystal) she is talented, trustworthy, and beautiful, and because i love them  so much i wrote a poem.
   My Sister
   You are my sister, my rock, my true bestfriend
  The memories we have shared I will cherish until the end
The laughs, the fun the times we get to spend.
Even though we may fight I will always be here
I am always by your side whether your far or near
In the future we may go our seperate ways
But our sister love is forever, In my Heart it always stays
My Mom
You are my inspiration
You are the shoulder I cry on when I need it
You said if i stick my mind to something I can acheieve it
Everytime you say you love me I always believe it
Because you are always there
You take time out of your day to show you care
At times I know it is hard, but you never give up
The times when I am wrong
You fix it when i slip up
I guess what I am really trying to say
My love for you is endless
You are beautiful in every way

I love you Krystal & Mom <3 :)

The Golden Rule

I am currently researching the Holocaust, and it amazes me at how people can be so cruel! As well as the things human beings had to go through. So that brings me to this subject today.... The Golden Rule. Everyone has heard of the "Golden Rule" right? The rule is to treat people the way you want to be treated. Now some may say hows is it golden? Well it is golden because if you treat someone with disrespect, anger or by being rude, you will get it in return. It may not be by that particular person but later in life it will come back to you. But if you treat a person with respect you should get it in return. In some situations it may be hard to treat them with respect or kindness, but you have to remember Treat people the way you want to be treated.