Apr 20, 2012

Music Again.

I love music! I breathe it, I live it, I write it, I enjoy it. Whenever I am having a bad day or am just simply in the mood. . . I write. I listen to different types of music.But my favorite would be Rap. In this generation most of the rappers talk about clothes, money, cars, and swag. That get's annoying, but I mean they get paid for it right? When I rap or write I try to avoid those topics, and talk about real life situations. But I like how there is a song for any kind of mood your in. Music helps me express myself. . .

Apr 13, 2012

Scary Movies. . .

The most things I really dislike are Scary movies. Here are a couple of reasons why:
 1. There is always a person that is running from a killer/ monster, and the person who is running ALWAYS ends up falling! Come on! Even when they fall they don't attempt to get up! Like really?!

2.Half of the times the movies aren't even scary!

3. Or when they plead to the monster and ask for them not to be killed. Okay look, what makes you think he isn't going to kill you just because you still haven't gotten to see Italy? (that was a random example). It is a monster/killer for a reason so there isn't a point in pleading.

4.Why is it that when the victim hears a noise and the goes to find out what it was? When you hear a noise.. DO NOT GO TOWARDS IT!!! DON'T go and figure out what it was.... Get far away from it as possible! (Especially if you are somewhere by yourself)

5. Last But not least Some of the titles of the movie are like.... Really? Like the new movie "The Cabin In the Woods" Why would you got to a cabin in the woods if it is no where near a town, or city or people!?!!!! Smh

 Well yeah, Comment what you like or dislike about scary movies =)