Feb 9, 2012

School Uniforms. . .

Okay, I am currently writing a research paper on Injustices in middle/high schools. The injustice I picked was dress code/uniforms in school. In some schools dress codes are so strict! I remember last year they had a rule where you couldn't wear colorful socks. Come on now ! That's the fashion. What if one day I'm running late and I don't have time to find the other match? But anyway, some schools have school uniforms, while the other schools have a dress code. In my opinion a dress code is just a little way of having uniforms without having uniforms. (did that make sense?) Now sometimes the school without the uniforms are even more strict than the schools with them.
                                            Pros of having a uniform:
- Studies show academics increase, (students are more focused)
- Bad behaviors decrease
- Social Outcomes improve
-Teaches discipline
-Helps prevent gangs
- Stops peer pressure
- Improves attendance of students
-Limits fighting

                                         Cons of having a Uniform
-Hinders creativity
-Has little influence
-Individuality is taken
-Comfort is gone
-Self expression is taken away

                    In my opinion there are some perks to having a school uniform. Such as being equal and not having to worry what to wear to school the next day. Also you don't really seem to have the social classes like: The jocks or The nerds. The biggest thing about uniforms is the lack of creativity and individuality given to the students. Yeah, there is a lack of creativity and self expression because it feels like you are like everyone else. But overall I don't think they have a huge impact on how students act. I don't think they have an affect on academics either. What's the difference between a student taking a test in blue jeans and a T-shirt than, another student in khaki pants? No difference right? Some studies show that bullying behaviors stop at the school. Well maybe at THAT school, but the other students at other schools can bully them about having to wear uniforms. Just like in ALL schools there is always drama. So even with uniforms there can possibly still be drama that turns into fights.  Now I'm not saying I am against uniforms or for them, but i don't think clothes have an effect on students and their behavior.

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